Comments on 300

Interesting. I’ve been getting a barrage of comments on my “300” post that mostly consist of people telling me to “chill out, it’s only a movie”. I have no idea who these people are and they have obviously only read post and not the entirety of my blog. I’m a media studies scholar. I’m a media literacy expert. It is my job in life to read the context of things on a grander scale than those prescribed. Of course, it’s only a movie but if we don’t contextualize the entertainments we’re being fed, then we aren’t aware of what we’re being told to think. America doesn’t create entertainment to entertain you. This is a capitalist society that creates commodities that serve the greater needs of the prevailing power structures. It depends on us being sheep and having no/low critical thinking skills to go to jobs to make a pittance of what someone is making on your backs. During the 1940’s the medium of film was the most powerful propaganda machine for creating support for WWII. Do not think for a second that Hollywood is there to entertain you. It is there to sell you things. Lifestyle particularly. So for all of those who find it necessary to leave me comments simply about “300” who haven’t read my thesis or any of my other work, while I appreciate your visit, you can save your typing time. Your comments are simply annoyances if they hold no serious critical comments. Thanks.

2 thoughts on “Comments on 300”

  1. Don’t you think the real issue is:there is so much media ILLITERACY out there. People don’t know what they don’t know. Media literacy is NOT a priority in K-12 schools. The “teach to the test” mentality means critical thinking about the media is the last thing on the minds of teachers, who themselves have never been trained in how to approach media education. And they certainly aren’t going to teach what they don’t know or aren’t comfortable with.Frank Baker

  2. I must say what an honor it is for Mr. Baker to make a commment on my blog and he’s absolutely correct. I’ve been following Mr. Baker’s work for years and often use his Media Literacy Clearinghouse as a resource for my work. Until we understand that there are greater systems at work influencing our daily choices, we’re still asleep.Thanks so much Mr. Baker and any advice you have to offer a budding media literacy workshopper will be much appreciated.

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